NS5b GT3

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 1. Harvoni US Product Lable       
2. Lam et al (2012) AAC 56:3359-3368
3. Daklinza US Product Label Feb 2016
4. Donaldson (2015) Hepatology 61:56-65
5. Lontok et al. (2015) Hepatology 62.5: 1623-1632.
6. Hezode et al. EASL 2015, Barcelona, Spain. P216
7. Epclusa US Product Label. July 2016
8. EASL Guidelines 2106
9. Epclusa Canadian Product Label July 8, 2016
10. Xu et al. (2017) Antiviral therapy 22:587-97.
11. McPhee, F et al. (2017) Antiviral Therapy 22.3:237-246
12.FDA Microbiology/Virology Reviews Epclusa_ 208341Orig1s000 (2015)
13 Svarovskaia ES, et al. 2014. Clinical Infectious Diseases 59: 1666-74
Sofosbuvir in GT3
EC50 (uM)Fold-shiftPhenotypeReplicative FitnessReferenceClinical RASComments
WT (3a_S52)0.051xlikely susceptible1002
K100Rresistance possible12YesClincial TE RAS (12)
R120Cresistance possible12YesClincial TE RAS (12)
T130N1xlikely susceptible13813
N142Sresistance possible12YesClincal VF RAS (12)
N142Tresistance possible6, 7, 9,12Yesclinical TE RAV (6,7,9)
A150T1.1xlikely susceptible9013
A150v1.0xlikely susceptible13313
L159F0.0611.3xresistance possible104,5,6,8,9,12,13Yesclinical TE RAV (4,5,9,12)
K206E0.9xlikely susceptible11513
E237G1.1xresistance possible6,7,9Yesclinical TE RAV (6,7,9)
S282T0.1753.5xresistance likely11.3 (10)2, 1, 3,4,8,9,10,11Yesclinical TE RAV (3, 4,9)
S282Rresistance likelycatalytic triad
S282Gresistance likely12YesClinical TE RAS (12)
L314Iresistance possible7Yesclinical TE RAV (7)
L314Fresistance possible7,12Yesclinical TE RAV (7,12)
L314Presistance possible7Yesclinical TE RAV (7)
L320Iresistance possible12YesClinical TE RAS (12)
L320Fresistance possible12YesClincial TE RAS (12)
V321A0.0211.3xresistance possible152,4,5,12, 13Yesclinical TE RAV (4,5,12)
A335T1.0xlikely susceptible9013
Q355Hresistance possible3,4Yesclinical TE RAV (3, 4)
Q355Rresistance possible12YesClincial TE RAS (12)
G543S0.05xlikely susceptible7313
V553I1xlikely susceptible8813
The current dataset does not contain resistance possible classification
>2.5x FS, resistance likely
All S282 substitutions are considered resistance likely
Multiple RASs:
Data for variants with multiple mutations take precedence over estimation from individual RASs
If RAV data are not available, follow rules for individual RASs in the variant
2 likely susceptible = likely susceptible
2 resistance possible = resistance likely
likely susceptible + resistance possible = resistance possible
>/= 1 resistance likely RASs = resistance likely
Clinical RAV:
without data but observed in Clinical VF = resistance possible
likely susceptible RASs + clinical RAV = resistance possible
Positions monitored for "Mutations Detected, effects unknown"
159, 282, 316, 320, 321
For NGS data: only RASs with >/=2% frequency will be included
strikthrough= mutations obsreved in VFs with NGS but deemed unimportant by FDA.
1. Harvoni US Product Lable
2. Lam et al (2012) AAC 56:3359-3368
3. Daklinza US Product Label Feb 2016
4. Donaldson (2015) Hepatology 61:56-65
5. Lontok et al. (2015) Hepatology 62.5: 1623-1632.
6. Hezode et al. EASL 2015, Barcelona, Spain.  P216
7.  Epclusa US Product Label.  July 2016
8. EASL Guidelines 2106
9. Epclusa Canadian Product Label July 8, 2016
10. Xu et al. (2017) Antiviral therapy 22:587-97.
11.  McPhee, F et al.  (2017) Antiviral Therapy 22.3:237-246
12.FDA Microbiology/Virology Reviews Epclusa_ 208341Orig1s000 (2015)
13 Svarovskaia ES, et al. 2014. Clinical Infectious Diseases 59: 1666-74